
Authenticating your API requests is essential to ensure secure communication between your application and PayPangea's services. Each request must include an Authorization header, using a bearer token format, to be properly authorized.

Making Authenticated API Requests

To authenticate your API requests to PayPangea, you will include your API_KEY in the Authorization header as a Bearer token. Here is how you can structure your request:

Example API Request

This example demonstrates making a POST request to the PayPangea API to initiate a fiat payment request. Ensure you replace API_KEY with the actual API key obtained from PayPangea.

POST https://api.paypangea.com/v1/pay/{endpoint}
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer API_KEY

Detailed Steps

  1. Prepare the API request: Compose your HTTP request to target the specific PayPangea API endpoint you wish to interact with. In this case, we're using /v1/pay/request-pay-sdk-fiat.

  2. Include the API Key: Replace API_KEY in the Authorization header with your actual PayPangea API key.

  3. Set the Content-Type: Ensure the Content-Type header is set to application/json to indicate the format of the request body.

  4. Send the request: Use your preferred HTTP client or tool to send the request to PayPangea's API server.

Handling API Responses

The PayPangea API will respond with various HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of your request. A successful request typically returns a 200 OK status code, along with any requested data in the response body. It's important to handle different responses and status codes appropriately in your application.

Security Best Practices

  • Secure Your API Key: Treat your API_KEY as sensitive information. Do not hard-code it in your application's source code. Instead, use environment variables or secure secrets management tools.

  • Use HTTPS: Ensure all API requests are made over HTTPS to protect the data in transit.

  • Monitor and Rotate Keys: Regularly monitor the usage of your API key and rotate it periodically to maintain security.

Last updated